Out for a while…

Well, I had hoped to be able to post so much more than I have lately. However, life has taken over my life. My wife and I are expecting our second child in the next few weeks. I have also taken on a few more responsibilities at work. Along with those two, I must increase … Continue reading

And…stay out!

A couple of years ago I helped a couple consolidate over $70,000 in credit card debt. Yep. I’ll bet I know what you are thinking…ouch! Yet, they had a ton of equity in their home (an appreciating asset) and still had 17 years left on the mortgage. The consolidation took 2 years off of the … Continue reading

More Income!

Holy Cow! It’s been way too long since my last post. I’ve been trying to relax this summer, but I seem to be busier than ever before! Anyway, it’s great to be back writing. Last month I made some huge strides on the student loan smack down front. I was able to pay nearly $500 … Continue reading

The “Debt Snowball” plan: A simple process to become debt free.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how starting the journey of paying off debt and managing your finances is a decision that only you can make. You have to take ownership of the process. In the post I also mentioned that the best time to start is… now. It’s all you! How do … Continue reading


This month I made an additional $35 payment towards my student loan. I must say that this is pretty pathetic and I’m disappointed that all the work I put into saving only amounted to $35. However, there are always 2 ways to look at a number. It’s $35 more than I paid last month and, … Continue reading

Staying the course is a good idea.

Yesterday the freeway was packed on my way to work. So, I decided to dash to the first off ramp I saw. Once I got off the crowded hysteria stricken interstate I then had to maneuver through side streets, stop lights, and school zones to make my way to the office. My last turn was … Continue reading

Producing side income through Ebay.

I recently went to the Ebay website and typed the word “starfish” in the search box. Don’t ask, just roll with it. 24,526 results were produced during the search. Wow. Among the items were starfish ceramic figures, starfish covered sandals, starfish bobbie pins, starfish vases…you name it. I knew there would be a lot of … Continue reading

My HGTV obsession.

My blog has become a sort of confessional. It’s actually kind of cool to get these epic failures off my chest, especially if it helps someone. I would normally be a bit embarrassed of this next confession, but I’m going to take the loud and proud approach. I’m in love with HGTV. My wife and … Continue reading

Stop being a coffee snob.

I love coffee. I love coffee shops. I love the smell. I love the taste. I even love the way my clothes smell after leaving the coffee shop. The first problem is that having this love for the coffee bean is proving to have an impact on my budget. The other problem is that I … Continue reading

Tuesday Tip

My wife and I have decided that the quickest way for one to pay off his or her student loans off is death. Option 2, never obtain one in the first place. We’ll go with that one. Here are 3 tips on paying tuition while in school: 1. Pay as you go. I never knew … Continue reading