Out for a while…

Well, I had hoped to be able to post so much more than I have lately. However, life has taken over my life. My wife and I are expecting our second child in the next few weeks. I have also taken on a few more responsibilities at work. Along with those two, I must increase … Continue reading

And…stay out!

A couple of years ago I helped a couple consolidate over $70,000 in credit card debt. Yep. I’ll bet I know what you are thinking…ouch! Yet, they had a ton of equity in their home (an appreciating asset) and still had 17 years left on the mortgage. The consolidation took 2 years off of the … Continue reading

5 cheap date ideas.

I met my wife while in college. I remember that our first few “official” dates were quite simple, mainly because neither one of us had any money. They were nothing more than eating a shared meal together and then going on a walk. Or hitting up the local convenience store for a Coke then heading … Continue reading

What we can learn from an older generation.

Today I met a man by the name of Mr Fritz. The one thing I love about my job is that I come in contact with the most interesting people. Mr Fritz met this description. He is an older gentleman in his 70’s. We swapped stories about raising children, talked politics, and he reminisced about … Continue reading

More Income!

Holy Cow! It’s been way too long since my last post. I’ve been trying to relax this summer, but I seem to be busier than ever before! Anyway, it’s great to be back writing. Last month I made some huge strides on the student loan smack down front. I was able to pay nearly $500 … Continue reading

Student loan reform?

Last week my wife and I spent the week in New York City to celebrate her graduation from graduate school. Watching my wife walk across the platform was an epic moment for me. I am so proud of her accomplishments. She worked her way through grad school while having a child at home and another … Continue reading

I should have bought Apple. 3 steps for your financial future.

I got a graduation announcement in the mail the other day from a family friend. Their son is graduating from high school. I remember those days. When I sent my graduation announcements, my mom forced me to spend an hour a night for two weeks writing hand written notes on each one of them. The … Continue reading

2 factors to consider before refinancing your home.

If you have turned on the television lately or read a newspaper you have probably heard that the economy is not doing so hot. “Not doing so hot” may be a bit of an understatement. However, in times like these there is one area of the economy that is a bright spot…mortgage interest rates. Currently, … Continue reading

Let’s live for something bigger.

Do you remember those commercials a couple of years ago where people were carrying around a giant number representing the amount they had planned for retirement? I do. When I think about that commercial it makes me laugh out loud. The thought that people put so much time and effort into their retirement number is … Continue reading

The “Debt Snowball” plan: A simple process to become debt free.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how starting the journey of paying off debt and managing your finances is a decision that only you can make. You have to take ownership of the process. In the post I also mentioned that the best time to start is… now. It’s all you! How do … Continue reading