And…stay out!

A couple of years ago I helped a couple consolidate over $70,000 in credit card debt. Yep. I’ll bet I know what you are thinking…ouch! Yet, they had a ton of equity in their home (an appreciating asset) and still had 17 years left on the mortgage. The consolidation took 2 years off of the … Continue reading

2 factors to consider before refinancing your home.

If you have turned on the television lately or read a newspaper you have probably heard that the economy is not doing so hot. “Not doing so hot” may be a bit of an understatement. However, in times like these there is one area of the economy that is a bright spot…mortgage interest rates. Currently, … Continue reading

Do it yourself ideas from my dad.

My parents are in town to stay with us this weekend. I always enjoy the moments we share when they come to visit. We do a lot of catching up, recalling memories, and talking about the future together. Yesterday morning my dad and I spent some time over coffee talking about my blog. He was … Continue reading