What we can learn from an older generation.

Today I met a man by the name of Mr Fritz. The one thing I love about my job is that I come in contact with the most interesting people. Mr Fritz met this description. He is an older gentleman in his 70’s. We swapped stories about raising children, talked politics, and he reminisced about what life was like when gas cost a nickel a gallon. It reminded me of what I used to do when my grandfather was still alive. I could have listened to him for hours. I learned a lesson from Mr. Fritz today and one I hope my generation will learn as well. Today I was reminded that

1. Hard work always pays off.

2. Nothing in life is free.

3. I will never catch up with the Jones family.

4. Times are tough, but we can make it.

Thanks for the conversation Mr Fritz.

By the way, I think it’s really cool that you still drive a 1977 station wagon.Image

5 Responses to “What we can learn from an older generation.”
  1. Niamh says:

    I wish so many people in the world today would read this. You have summarized it beautifully, and I personally would love to give Mr. Fritz a hug!

  2. Ammon Collins says:

    Loved the note about Grandpa Jackson—what an awesome Gentleman—we can learn so much from our Seniors!!!

    • russblogs says:

      Thanks Pop. I enjoy your stories as well!

      • Niamh says:

        I have to agree, and I feel the ‘lack’ of available seniors advice has a lot to do with the state of affairs these days. Seniors don’t seem to be available to young people. They either retire to 60+ communities, are sent to senior homes. Those who don’t fit into either of these two situations, seem to be the ones who are still in the work place and just don’t have any spare time (like the rest of us). It was amazing recently, on a trip to Italy, even my then 9 year old son was amazed to see so many older people involved in every day life, with a mix of all generations – at cafes, in the stores at evening social events. My son even asked me “where are all the old people in the states?”. It’s a real shame that someone so young can observe a difference like this. All gerations need the wisdom of years from their seniors.

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