More Income!

Holy Cow! It’s been way too long since my last post. I’ve been trying to relax this summer, but I seem to be busier than ever before! Anyway, it’s great to be back writing.

Last month I made some huge strides on the student loan smack down front. I was able
to pay nearly $500 extra towards my student loan debt in the month of May. It was much more than I expected since I was on vacation and traveling most of the month. It just goes to show you that when you plan for travel with designated funds, then your budget should not take a negative impact. Our family had been planning on the vacation for over a year and we had a chance to put a little extra cash back each month to make sure we were prepared. I love it when a plan comes together!

However, I’m going to need to kick it into high gear if I want to reach my goal of $60K paid off in 2 years. I need to increase the amount of extra loan payments by $2000 each month. It’s go time. I think I have cut as much from the budget that I possibly can. So, the plan is to bring in more income each month.

Here is the plan:

1. Set up a new eBay store. I have been selling on eBay as an individual for over 10 years, but now we go to the next level. I’m go hit every pawn shop this side of the Mississippi to find some musical gear to sell. I am talking high volume. Look out folks, here I come!

2. Turn up the heat at work and hit the next bonus level. I am paid an incentive each month based on performance. Once I hit a certain level of production the incentive will nearly double. I need to increase production by 17% to hit the next incentive level. Smack down time.

So, that’s the plan of action to increase my income by $2000 each month.

Any more suggestions?

4 Responses to “More Income!”
  1. Timothy Boykin says:

    Russ, great to see this up. It’s inspirational to see what you’ve accomplished. I am about to embark on the same journey, I am going to attempt to pay down about 140k in the next 5 years. I will definitely pray for your goal. Tim

  2. Niamh says:

    Take a look at the site …. it is a great way to make extra money, and very hands off, which means it would not interfere with with your e-bay store. What is the name of that by the way … I’m on the lookout for a cheap set of drums for my son!

    • russblogs says:

      I’ll check that one out! Thanks for the tip. EBay store not quite up yet, I’ll keep everyone posted!

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