Let’s live for something bigger.

Do you remember those commercials a couple of years ago where people were carrying around a giant number representing the amount they had planned for retirement?

I do.

When I think about that commercial it makes me laugh out loud. The thought that people put so much time and effort into their retirement number is ridiculous. The number becomes an identity. It’s an unnecessary burden placed on a persons shoulders. It makes us do crazy things like: never take a family vacation, stock pile a 401(k) instead of giving a portion to a local shelter in need, or spend quality time checking your portfolio instead of drinking tea on the porch with your spouse and enjoying the conversation.

So, my question is…once you reach the number, then what?
Do you retire and live a life you always wanted?
Do you leave it all to your heirs?
Do you maintain a certain standard of living?
What do you do?

People work their entire lives for a number. In my opinion this is no way to live. This is a way to kill your dream of living a fulfilled life.

I’m not suggesting we all throw caution to the wind and not save for retirement. I believe there is a great importance in stewardship and finishing well. Everyone who wants to stop working a regular day job should absolutely have a plan in place to do so.

I am suggesting we give the future a new look.
I am suggesting we put our families first.
I am suggesting we set aside a few extra dollars each month to help someone less fortunate.
I am suggesting we give generously.
I am suggesting we take ourselves less seriously.
I am suggesting we stay away from debt so that we can live in freedom.
I am suggesting we teach the next generation how to live well.

I am suggesting we live for something more than a number.

Who is with me?

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