Student loan reform?

Last week my wife and I spent the week in New York City to celebrate her graduation from graduate school. Watching my wife walk across the platform was an epic moment for me. I am so proud of her accomplishments. She worked her way through grad school while having a child at home and another … Continue reading

I should have bought Apple. 3 steps for your financial future.

I got a graduation announcement in the mail the other day from a family friend. Their son is graduating from high school. I remember those days. When I sent my graduation announcements, my mom forced me to spend an hour a night for two weeks writing hand written notes on each one of them. The … Continue reading

2 factors to consider before refinancing your home.

If you have turned on the television lately or read a newspaper you have probably heard that the economy is not doing so hot. “Not doing so hot” may be a bit of an understatement. However, in times like these there is one area of the economy that is a bright spot…mortgage interest rates. Currently, … Continue reading

Let’s live for something bigger.

Do you remember those commercials a couple of years ago where people were carrying around a giant number representing the amount they had planned for retirement? I do. When I think about that commercial it makes me laugh out loud. The thought that people put so much time and effort into their retirement number is … Continue reading