Stop being a coffee snob.

I love coffee. I love coffee shops. I love the smell. I love the taste. I even love the way my clothes smell after leaving the coffee shop. The first problem is that having this love for the coffee bean is proving to have an impact on my budget. The other problem is that I … Continue reading

Tuesday Tip

My wife and I have decided that the quickest way for one to pay off his or her student loans off is death. Option 2, never obtain one in the first place. We’ll go with that one. Here are 3 tips on paying tuition while in school: 1. Pay as you go. I never knew … Continue reading

My car and I have a love – hate relationship.

I own a Taurus. It’s tan inside and out. It just rolled over to 99,250 miles yesterday. I hate it. First of all, I’m a fairly large individual. At 6’3 , 200+ my body really calls for a monster truck. So, for me, getting in and out of my car on a regular basis proves … Continue reading

I’m Tired.

I’m tired. Tired of writing a check to Sallie Mae every month. I’ve been paying on my student loan debt since 2004 and I’m sick of it. So, I decided to set a goal of paying it off within 2 years and write about how I am going to make it happen. Several years ago … Continue reading